
Posts Tagged ‘Rodriguez’

Elderly invasion?

April 15, 2011 1 comment

By Lauren Robinson, Opinions Editor

Photo by Karen Rodriguez

It’s Friday night. I am about to go to a concert with my friends. However, what you don’t realize is that the combined age of my friends is 300. As a college student, I look forward to the weekends where I can go dancing at a club with friends and let go of the week’s stresses. However, I do not take any particular interest in doing the Charleston or The Twist. For goodness sake, I’m a college student. That does not tickle my fancy.

If you look around campus, you will notice a surprising amount of attendance from elderly people in the community. Weekends seem to be a time where they migrate to campus and the actual students seem to make an exodus elsewhere. The crowd at any given event held on the weekend consists of people that have salt and peppered hair, and that may have retired or live in the community. However, on the contrary, college students should be at school, doing things with people their own age.

When you think of college, it is usually not associated with mingling with people that are older than your parents or grandparents. I am in no way saying that hosting the community or alumni is a negative thing, it is just quite unusual for a college. Young Harris College hosts the ICL Program, which helps senior citizens become computer savvy.

It’s almost as if there is no confidence in our peers. If you were to visit Georgia Tech or UGA, there is school spirit. People who are proud of their school and tend to show up to events, whether they are on weekends or weekdays. That is what college students do. The fact that we are in college inherently means that we stay on campus to get the “college experience” our parents rave about. It does not make sense that the parking lots are empty by Friday afternoon. Because we attend a small college in the north Georgia mountains, it is more difficult to find something to do because we do not live in a  major city. But that is no excuse for the pathetic atmosphere you can cut with a knife on weekends.

My challenge to you is to take some initiative in what happens on campus on weekends. The senior citizens in the community attend campus events more than the actual seniors do. They have already been to college and it’s quite pathetic to have more in common on weekends with people that have already lived the majority of their lives.
This post copyedited on April 18, 2011.

Making the last push of semester

April 6, 2011 Comments off

By Lauren Robinson, Opinions Editor

Photo by Karen Rodriguez

As final exams grow closer with each passing day, we grow closer to summer break, and for some, graduation. The atmosphere on campus reeks of the aftermath of spring break. Students returned to campus with a look of exhaustion plastered on their faces. Professors are placing pressure on everyone and really kicking this ship into high gear.

Thankfully, the winter weather is packing up and moving along. Hopefully, this will help bring some life back to the campus. Spring is moving in, and the campus outdoor recreation is starting to pick up. The beautiful flowers and trees are blooming.

Students are lying on the lawn, playing Frisbee, catch, studying in hammocks and soaking up some sun. This will definitely aid in repairing the attitudes and outlook around campus as things become a little more stressful.

Now that the school year is coming to a close, keep in mind that this is a place in the semester where students, faculty and staff alike are pressed for time. Nevertheless, it is pertinent that we, as students, remain diligent about finishing the best way we know how.

The last stretch is the notorious area of the race where the athlete becomes tired and will reason with him- or herself to either slow down and quit, or really challenge him- or herself to sprint towards the finish line.

Additionally, this is the place where we, as students, need to really push and try as hard as we can. This is what we have been working toward all school year. Essentially, this is the part of the race that counts the most. I dare you to do better than you have done previously. My mom never fails to mention a quote by a great man, you never started a race unless you finish it.
This post copyedited on April 18, 2011.

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SPATs go black and white at formal

March 4, 2011 Comments off

By Karen Rodriguez, Staff Writer

Students gathered in the old gym for SPAT's annual Black and White Affair, where students danced the night away. Photo by Karen Rodriguez

The Black and White Affair dance held this past Saturday, Feb. 26 by SPAT club, a service organization here on campus, was a success. The dance began at 9 p.m., however, since it is never a bad idea to be fashionably late, most people did not begin to arrive until 10 p.m.

Girls showed off their beautiful white, black and red dresses, while guys cleaned up very nicely in dress pants and multicolored dress shirts.

The SPAT guys, especially, could be easily recognized by their all black attire and their red ties.

As soon as students began to arrive, they hit the dance floor and showed off their best dance moves.

These ladies showed off their black and white for the SPAT formal. Photo by Karen Rodriguez

The music varied in styles however, hip hop was dominant. With old favorites such as “Snap Yo Fingers” by Lil John and “Hot in Herre” by Nelly, students were even more drawn to the dance floor.

While the deejay did have his low and high points, some students enjoyed the wide variety of music selections, while others thought some music was too slow and outdated.

David Agori-Iwe, a junior biology major from Marietta said, “I think the music was different from that of most dances.  I really liked the variety.”

When students were not busy on the dance floor, they were grabbing snacks from the refreshments table in the back, which consisted of soft drinks, a multitude of chips and cookies.

People seemed to really enjoy themselves, while they danced the night away with friends and their significant others.

It was a pretty good turnout, between 50 and 100 people, considering it was the weekend and most people are off campus.

Lacey Larrimore, a freshman from Covington said, “I really enjoyed myself, I think it’s nice to have a dance on the weekend now and then, because sometimes the weekends are kind of boring around here.”

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Torres to take studies abroad

February 27, 2011 Comments off

By Christelle Vereb, Staff Writer

In five years,Torres hopes to be getting her master's degree in international affairs. Photo by Karen Rodriguez

Originally from Guadalajara, Jalisco Mexico, Miriam Torres currently lives in Roswell. Torres is a junior transfer student from Southern Catholic College and media communication major. This diverse background has only led Torres to set high goals for herself, including majoring in either psychology or communication and learning other languages.

“I chose Young Harris because of the beautiful campus, campus wide clubs and because the class sizes are not that big. So, this gives me an opportunity to get to know my classmates and the professors more,” Torres said.

As of now Torres is a media communication major, but she anticipates a psychology department here at YHC.

“I am a media communication major, but if they open a psychology department, I would double major in psychology and communications,” said Torres.

In order to work through school and obstacles she has faced in life, Torres draws her inspiration from God and her Mom.

“God is my inspiration. My Catholic faith is very important to me. I love God above everything and everyone. He is truly amazing to me. My mom would have to be a second inspiration,” said Torres. “We have been through a lot, and she has shown me a strength that hardly anyone else I know could ever top. I want to make her proud. Also being able to breathe and wake up healthy every morning is a very big blessing. I get inspiration from the little things in life.”

Torres has taken the inspiration she receives from her faith and mom and has put it into school, as well as exploring the world around her.

When free from school Torres loves to take photographs, travel, write poems, songs and short stories. Torres enjoys playing the guitar and loves spending time with her friends. She also likes to learn new languages.

“I love photography, I have a professional camera and I have photographed a series of events. However, I especially love photographing landscapes and children. I also play the guitar and write songs, poems and short stories. I love hanging out with my friends. I also love languages. Right now, I speak three fluently— Spanish, English and French.”

While Torres is currently fluent in three languages, she also wants to expand her knowledge by going to different countries to learn more languages.

With her education Torres has set goals for herself in where she wants to be in the future.

“Five years from now, I hope to be in another country getting my master’s in international affairs or public relations. I love traveling, so I want to study in another country. I don’t know which one yet though. 10 years from now, I hope to have already settled down, with a family and a place of my own, and I hope to have traveled to at least half of the places I want to travel to.”

Affection out of obligation

February 14, 2011 Comments off

Photo by Karen Rodriguez

By Lauren Robinson, Staff Writer

Roses are red; violets are blue; I like you; I hope you like me too!

I’m pretty sure that each one of us has read a love note sometime during our early childhood that was from a secret admirer. Elementary school marks the beginning of when we learned to love out of obligation. Your teacher tells you that Valentine’s Day is next week. You then turn right around and tell your mom that you have to go to the grocery store to buy candy for your class. You’re not exactly sure why you feel like you have to do this, but you go along with it. I mean, after all, it is normal right?

This romantic holiday has a questionable story line. There is no actual account of when and why this holiday came to be. There are legends, versions and accounts but none are concrete. St. Valentine was said to be a Roman martyr for whom this holiday is celebrated. He was rumored to have been executed on February 14th sometime around 260 A.D.

My next question would definitely raise the issue of why this “holiday” has become the 4th highest day in sales throughout the year.Around 189 million roses are sold on Valentine’s Day versus the 1.2 million that are sold any other time of the year. Why now? What makes Valentine’s Day so much more important than any other 364 days of the year? Why do people not take the time to love those they care about all year long?

If you are going to give a gift or show appreciation, make it worth your while. Don’t buy a diamond pendant necklace from the jeweler that is running commercials the week before. Every other guy is going to run to the mall and purchase the same piece.

Ladies, when he gives it to you, he’s going to say that he loves you, but should that mean anything to you?

I mean, everyone else is doing it too. But hey, if you like it, I love it. I just believe that demonstrating practical gestures towards those you love continuously is more genuine.

For those that choose to pay, here are a few facts on purchasing those oh-so-wonderful gifts on Valentine’s Day.

Red roses are the most expensive. Growers know what time of year it is and definitely inflate the prices. For what you pay, you could purchase seeds and grow a rose bush throughout the year.

I mean, this would at least symbolize a love that grows and not a love that is only present on February 14, as well as give a good return on your money.

Let’s be honest here, the average person spends about $80.00 for the holiday. You might as well invest in something that’s going to live longer than 14 days.

If you choose to spend a lump sum and shake out your piggy bank for Valentine’s Day be my guest, and do it next week.

Remember, corporate America thanks you generously for your contribution. Happy Valentine’s Day!

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Where do I fit in?

January 17, 2011 Comments off

Photo by Karen Rodriguez

By Lauren Robinson, Staff Writer

Young Harris College prides itself on being a college as well as an environment in which students and staff members alike are incorporated in the culture and activities that occur on campus. As a freshman, college in general has been a major adjustment in regards to academics and campus life.  When I find free time in my schedule, which is usually in the evening, I enjoy watching my favorite series on television. Engaging in something that I am familiar with away from home allows me to feel that much more comfortable with my surroundings.

Sitcoms, dramas, cartoons, reality shows and the newest star search have been quite an influence on today’s pop culture. You may find yourself perusing through the channels and happen upon a show that interests you. Consequently, you set your DVR and/or TiVo to record that particular show if you cannot be present to view it as it is being aired. Television has evolved into more than a pastime where families spend time together during the evening hours watching a show that pleases everyone. It has become something of which people in society find themselves scheduling their daily lives and/or schedules around.

Now let’s change the dynamic, shall we? It’s 10:00 o’clock at night and the game is on.  The channel that I am looking for does not appear to be there.  Just to be sure, I check the TV Guide Channel for that particular channel. The network that I watch my favorite television show is not offered. Now what do I do? Immediately, I think to check Hulu online. The show could possibly be available for later viewing. However, it is not.  Two strikes and I’m almost out of options. I may just have to wait until I can take a break, go home and catch up on the latest drama.

As a student, there are a multitude of things that are un-constant and changing. While most things are in sync some things have yet to reach equilibrium.

Black Entertainment Television, otherwise known as BET, is a division of Viacom Inc. BET was launched January 20, 1980. As stated on the website, “BET provides contemporary entertainment that speaks to young Black adults from an authentic, unapologetic viewpoint of the Black experience. BET connects with its target audience in a way no other media outlet can providing hit music, entertainment and news programming that is reflective of their experiences such as: 106 & PARK, RAP CITY, MEET THE FAITH, COLLEGE HILL, and AMERICAN GANGSTER. In addition, outstanding mega-specials such as the BET AWARDS (the #1 Awards Show on Cable Television), BET HIP-HOP AWARDS and CELEBRATION OF GOSPEL keep viewers regularly tuned in for the latest and greatest in black entertainment. Reaching more than 84 million homes, BET can be seen in the United States, Canada and the Caribbean.”

More often than not, there is a stigma placed on BET and the people that watch it. There is an underlying prejudice towards the network in general. An assumption is made and those who do not care for the content usually judge those who like the channel. In my case, BET is a source of information as well as an outlet that allows for self-expression. BET is an advocate for social justice, on the forefront of political news, first to leak new music from new and old artists and fighting the AIDS epidemic. It is a part of my culture and being without it is difficult. I feel as if I’m not aware of my cultural happenings and lagging behind.

I can easily choose to be pessimistic and play the victim in the situation. However, that would not be in my best interest. I’m pretty sure that I am not alone in this predicament. There are probably more people on campus and in the community that have a preference of channels. The best way to solve a minor issue like this is to bring it to the forefront and verbalize my frustration. What channel are you missing?

Can your relationship survive long distance?

November 25, 2010 Comments off

By Karen Rodriguez, Staff Writer

College is a big step in one’s life. It’s the time when we pack up our belongings and our high school memories and prepare for a whole new adventure. For most of us, this means leaving behind family, friends and that special someone.

According to statistics, 25-40 percent of all romantic relationships among college students are long distance. This means that at least a quarter of college students understand how much time and effort is needed to make or break a long distance relationship.

While I’m sure most of us have had our share of long distance relationship blunders and can probably tell a story or two, this does not mean that every long distance relationship is bound to fail.

If there is a strong commitment from both parties to make the relationship work, then there is a better chance of maintaining a relationship. The three main reasons a long distance relationship could fail involve a lack of communication, trust or time to talk to the other person.

“At the beginning we both said that we’d call each other every day and even made a plan to when we would both come and visit, but somehow we fell apart,” says Katie Holcomb a junior and outdoor leadership major.

In order to understand what helps a long distance relationship maintain its stability, it is necessary to understand what causes them to malfunction.

One of the leading causes of a breakup is a lack of communication. If you expect a relationship to work, you have to be very open and honest about what you expect from the other person. There needs to be a clear understanding of whether the relationship is monogamous or open. In addition, both parties need to be clear on expectations regarding visiting each other in person and how both parties expect to communicate. You must learn to answer them openly and honestly, so that both of you know where each other stands.

Another cause of a relationship downfall is a lack of trust. Chances are if your relationship did not have trust while you were living in the same area code, then it will not get much better once you move miles away. If there are issues with trust, either face them head on or learn to let go and move on.

Lack of time is also an issue. A relationship will not function if some type of communication is not existent. Of course college does make communication a bit of a challenge. We have classes, essays, tests, projects, rehearsals, meetings and so much more to finish before the end of the day. We are pulled towards many directions and sometimes we forget to put a little bit of time into our relationship; and sometimes, college causes our priorities to change.

“I know they say that with any kind of relationship it should be a 50-50 effort; but in reality, it should be 100-100,” says Kelli Denning, a freshman and fine arts major from Fannin County.

In the end, relationships are all about commitment. If your relationship is serious and you want the relationship to remain positive despite the distance, then make sure both parties plan on maintaining honesty, communication and dedication to the relationship. Also, it never hurts to remind someone that you love them.

So… you’re single and ready to mingle

November 16, 2010 Comments off

By Karen Rodriguez, Staff Writer

Regardless of whether someone has been in the dating scene for some time, or has just re-entered the dating scene, it is fair to stay that most people who are dating do not have the slightest idea what the phrase “first date etiquette” means.

Dating is not just about two people meeting and going out anymore, it has become a ritual that consists of various procedures and rules. Some are common sense, while others require more thought.

One rule that is common sense is chivalry. Ladies like for the man that they are dating to act like a gentleman.

Therefore, it is never too much to open doors, pull out chairs and most of all, act polite.

“A man should treat a woman with a lot of respect and vise versa,” said, Anahi Valdez, a junior business and public policy major. “It’s always nice to go out with a guy who knows how to be a gentleman.”

Another rule that has been hotly debated is determining who should pay for the meal.

It is never ever wise to ask a woman to pay for her half of the meal. It is, however, acceptable to go on a fun first date, that way both people will feel more relaxed and less awkward.

Perhaps there are more rules for men to follow, but there are some rules that both men and women should abide by if they want a chance at a second date.

It is a simple matter of prudence and respect to keep one’s gaze at the person you are out on a date with. It does not matter how short the waitress’ skirt is or how handsome the waiter might be, a wandering eye is never an attractive trait to have.

Among other “no- no’s,” just because technology has taken over all aspects of one’s daily lives, does not mean that one should let it disturb dates as well. It is advisable to keep cell phones on silent and to only make calls when necessary.

“I think the worst date I ever had was with this girl that texted throughout the whole date. It was a quite annoying,” said David Agori-Iwe, a junior and biology major.

Other less pardonable fouls include: getting drunk on the first date, talking about past relationships or comparing one’s date to an ex.

Once one jumps through the first date hurdle, he or she must figure out whether or not expect a follow-up date. It is usually the guy who is expected to call the woman after the first date; although, sometimes this might not be the case. If a guy does not call within three days after the first date, then the woman may call him if she chooses and is still interested. If he does not respond or return the call within one day, then more than likely he is not interested in pursuing a second date, and so the ritual begins again.


Bonita la mas Bonita

November 15, 2010 Comments off

By Karen Rodriguez, Staff Writer

“Hi, would you like an Airhead or Smarties?”

During her years as a member of the housekeeping staff, Bonita Suggs has become a source of encouragement and friendship for many campus residents. Photo by Ashton Jones

This is the first question Bonita asks when she sees students walking by. She has a heart of gold and a young spirit that will brighten anybody’s day.

Bonita Marie Stanley Suggs is in charge of the housekeeping at the Appleby complex, which includes Appleby East, Appleby Center and Appleby West.

Suggs was born in Augusta and raised in Aiken, S.C. She has been happily married for almost 32 years and has identical twin sons. Currently, she is a proud grandmother of three grandchildren; although, this number will be increasing soon as she awaits the arrival of her fourth grandchild.

Suggs has also reached beyond her biological family by getting to know Young Harris College students. To students, Suggs is much more than just “the cleaning lady.”  She has become a very much appreciated member of the housekeeping staff and a wonderful friend.

“She is one of the sweetest women in the world. I’ve known her since my freshman year of college,” said Jalessa Morris, a senior English major from Canton. “Four years later, she is still the same sweetie pie with Smarties.”

Amber Nicole Spence, a junior history major and current resident of Appleby Center said, “She is always so nice and cheerful. If you’re having a bad day, Bonita can always make it better.”

The only thing she loves more than the campus, is attending after-school events.

“I love the atmosphere,” said Suggs. “It’s beautiful, and I have met some of the most wonderful young people while I’ve been working here. I love attending all the sports games, and I am particularly excited about basketball season coming up.”

She also enjoys watching scary movies and listening to all types of music.

She is particularly a big fan of The Visualizers, which is a local band on the YHC campus.

Suggs lives by this life motto, “The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway,” said Suggs cheerfully.

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Spring advising begins for YHC

October 24, 2010 Comments off

By Karen Rodriguez, Staff Writer

As the end of fall semester counts down, it is time for students to meet with their academic advisors in order to discuss classes for the spring semester of 2011.

Spring 2011 advising began on Oct. 11 and will continue to take place through Nov. 1. All students must meet with their advisor in order to be approved for registration.

Freshmen and sophomores who are majoring in business and public policy, business, outdoor leadership, communication studies or recreation should meet with Debbie Roach.

Freshmen and sophomores who are majoring in biology, science, education, athletic training or allied health should meet with Karen Martin.

Freshmen and sophomores who are undeclared or doing a major in history, English, religious studies or liberal arts should meet with Meredith Richel.

Ms. Roach, Ms. Martin and Ms. Richel can be found in the Academic Advising Center, in the bottom of the Pruitt-Barrett building, located in front of the Susan B. Harris chapel.

Freshmen and sophomores who are majoring in fine arts should meet with fine arts faculty.
Juniors and seniors please meet with the faculty advisor within your major area.

The Academic Advising Center aids students with their educational and career goals to help them find the path that is right for them.

“It’s very natural to come in and be uncertain about exactly what you want to major in. So, students can come in and be undeclared, and that is perfectly fine,” says Debbie Roach, the director of the academic advising center.

The academic advising center has a number of online programs which help students to explore careers, build resumes and even search and connect with future employers.

Students can contact the academic advising center by sending an e-mail to or by simply stopping by and making an appointment.