
Posts Tagged ‘Enotah Echoes’

“What a long, strange trip it’s been…”

February 13, 2012 1 comment

By Miriam Torres, Staff Writer 

The Young Harris College Student Media Advisory Board acts as a visionary body for the Corn Creek Review, the Enotah and the Enotah Echoes. Photo by Logan Polley

The Enotah Echoes is publishing its first issue of the 2011-2012 academic year after a semester of intense deliberations that resulted in the formation of a campus-wide student media advisory board and new operating policies specific to the newspaper.

The Young Harris College Student Media Advisory Board acts as a visionary body for all official student publications on campus. The Board provides general oversight for the Enotah Echoes as well as the Corn Creek Review literary magazine and the Enotah yearbook.  The media board is composed of seven members of the YHC community. These include the Chair of the Communication Studies Department, a member from the Office of Communications and Marketing, two full-time faculty members (appointed by the Vice President for Academic Affairs), a full-time staff member from the Student Development Division, a student who is not affiliated with an official campus media organization (appointed by the Student Government Association President), and a member from the community who has journalism and/or legal experience (appointed by the President).

“When our newspaper is set alongside the newspapers from UGA and Berry and Reinhardt, and all the colleges in Georgia, we want something we can be proud of,” said Ron Roach, the vice president for Academic Affairs. “I’m very proud that the Enotah Echoes has been an award-winning paper in the past, and we want that to continue. These policies will help us to do that.”

Faculty, staff and administration also drafted the Young Harris College Media Communications Policy for Enotah Echoes, which establishes procedures for interactions with sources on campus and standards for ethical reporting.

“I think we’ve done a good job putting those pieces together so that the staff, the faculty and the students can all feel comfortable that we can all go out now and put together a first-rate newspaper without worrying about liability because of ignorance or incompetence, or just basic lack of understanding,” YHC President Cathy Cox said.


Discussions about the creation of a media advisory board took place during the 2010-2011 academic year, but little progress was achieved.  Plans were made over the summer to work on the official establishment of a board during the fall semester; however regular publication of the newspaper had been expected to continue during this process.

As a result of disagreements regarding the clarity and applicability of the Young Harris College Media Communications Policy, which outlines procedures for College interactions with all media, the Communication Studies faculty and Dean of Humanities, Ruth Looper, proposed a separate set of policies unique to Enotah Echoes.  Subsequent conversations involved faculty from Communication Studies, Looper, members of the Office of Advancement, Roach and Cox.  After the policies were developed, the administration made the decision to halt publication of the newspaper until a media advisory board was put in place.

“We figured out that we didn’t have all the policies and procedures in place to ensure that the students, staff members and the faculty members in the College were adequately protected in terms of professional ethics and liability,” said Roach.

The Effects Hit Home

The ensuing process and discussions were lengthy and, at times, contentious, and no formal resolution was achieved until after the fall semester concluded.  The semester was fraught with uncertainty for students, faculty, staff and administrators.  The staff of Enotah Echoes, who were enrolled in a course under the impression they would be consistently publishing a print edition, expressed frustration and disappointment about the timing of these decisions.

“I feel it was inappropriate that the changes taking place during the academic school year were allowed to prevent us from publishing, because the students were caught in the middle,” said Annie Hunter, managing editor of the Enotah Echoes.  “We were eager to get started this fall, but instead it felt like we were on a roller coaster that wouldn’t end.  And the campus seemed to not even know we were here or what was going on.”

“I especially saw the freshmen taking it hard, and seeing their disappointment was difficult for me,” said Editor-in-Chief Kathleen Layton.  “It bothered me to hear other students say YHC doesn’t have a newspaper. It broke my heart a little.”

Some of last year’s returning staff expressed a sense of defeat after the fall semester.  Former Staff Writer Hailey Silvey, who decided not to return to the newspaper this semester, said she gained confidence during her experience last year.  A high point for her was winning two awards from the Georgia College Press Association last spring for her feature article “Campus Hauntings” in the Halloween edition.

“I was really upset about the Enotah Echoes not publishing because I love writing for the paper,” Silvey said. “It gave me a huge sense of accomplishment to see my name in print and know I had written an article that was good enough for the entire campus to get their news from. Overall, writing for the paper gave me a lot of confidence in my writing and helped me to improve as a reporter.”

New faculty member and Newspaper Advisor Theresa Crapanzano said she continually reworked the curriculum throughout the semester in an attempt to still fulfill the academic mission of the College and the promises made in the curriculum, even when publication was halted.  Despite not publishing, all the students decided to remain in the course for the rest of semester.  Their once-a-week classes focused on ethical issues and discussions of the role of journalism in society.

“I was amazingly proud of my students and the patience, professionalism and maturity they displayed,” Crapanzano said.

Still, she noted it was “heartbreaking” to see the increasing effects on the students as the semester waned.

“I was reading their final reflection papers at the end of the semester and I kept tearing up,” she said. “But I do think the policies and procedures that are in place now will help make newspaper publication become a more streamlined process.”

Looper said it was a trying semester for everyone participating—students, faculty, administrators and staff.

“I know it was extremely difficult for the newspaper staff and for the students involved, and I regret that, and I know the administration regrets that,” said Looper. “Everyone has worked together for a wonderful end result, however frustrating some of the process might have been. Now, the newspaper staff, with a lot of guidance and training, can interview and have the training they need.”

Looper expressed gratitude and praise to staff, faculty and students, including then-chair of the Communication Studies Department, Joy Goldsmith, who was instrumental in the semester-long discussions.  She also thanked the administration “for listening.”

Back in Black

Jennifer Hallett, the new chair of the Communication Studies Department and chair of the media advisory board, said despite the “growing pains,” she’s looking forward to a great semester ahead.

“I really think it was worthwhile to take the semester off,” she said. “That’s in the past though, and the good news is: You’re back! Welcome back Enotah Echoes print edition!”

Cox noted it is crucial to foster strong communication between the newspaper and administration.  She believes the new board helps establish a better communication bridge.

“From a president’s perspective, there are two important things: make sure our students have a fabulous educational experience in writing for the paper and that our campus gets well informed because they benefit and partake of that news outlet,” she said. “I have a primary responsibility to make sure that as students participate in this that students, faculty, and the college are protected as much as possible from liability.”

Roach expressed his pleasure that Enotah Echoes is resuming publication, acknowledging the important role student newspapers play on a college campus.

“A strong student newspaper is an important part of the community at a liberal arts college and it serves several roles: it’s a teaching tool and a learning tool for students who are in the program, to learn how to be journalists; it’s also a way for the student community to express itself,” Roach said.

The process also resulted in a refinement of duties and goals.

“There has been a wonderful clarification of the purpose of the newspaper and a really necessary and wonderful clarification of the different purposes of different groups on campus,” Looper said. “It is the Department of Marketing and Communications’ job to promote the College and show all of the wonderful things that we do, and it’s the job of the student newspaper to learn as journalists, to practice their interviewing, researching, writing skills, and to serve as an academic unit of the college.”

Denise Cook, director of Communications and Marketing, was part of the discussions last semester, but, when asked about her feelings on the process and the role of the newspaper, she said she does not “have a personal opinion regarding the student newspaper’s policy or the newspaper’s image.” She noted her office is “available as a resource to help student journalists” and said any faculty and staff with questions regarding YHC’s media and communications policy can contact Communications and Marketing.

The Board’s first act was to approve the Enotah Echoes mission statement early this week, paving the way for publication.

“As disappointing as last semester was, the opposite can be said for this semester,” Layton said. “I am thrilled, I am overjoyed. It was a very difficult process for all the parties involved, but I think everyone would agree this is something that will make the college be better; it will bolster academics and hopefully provide longevity for the newspaper.”

Spring break, then and now

March 1, 2011 Comments off

By Ali Neese, Staff Writer

Across the Young Harris College campus, new life is beginning to stir. The sun is shining and students are beginning to shed their winter layers and head outdoors. The new warmth in the air is hinting at the end of cold temperatures and everyone is looking forward to the summer months to come. Before we can skip to summer, however, there is one much-anticipated activity that must take place: spring break 2011.

When most people think of spring break, they think of the beach, parties and hanging out with friends. It is a week-long celebration that allows students a chance to unwind in the middle of a stressful semester. What many do not know, however, is that the history of spring break can be traced back to the ancient Greeks and Romans. According to, “The young men and women of these cultures welcomed the return of spring.”

The website also reveals that these ancient people enjoyed a good party, too, saying that they celebrated with days of drinking and dancing, probably not unlike today’s spring break parties.

Our modern-day idea of Spring Break, however, began in 1936 when the swim coach at Colgate University in Hamilton, New York brought his swim team to Fort Lauderdale to practice. The trip was successful and became a tradition for the school and for college swimmers in general. Gradually the popularity of travelling to Fort Lauderdale in late winter grew among college students with approximately 20,000 visiting in 1954.

For years Fort Lauderdale was the “official” spring break headquarters, but in the 1980s it lost its title to Daytona Beach. Daytona was the main Spring Break destination in the early 1990s, but students were also beginning to explore others areas as their spring getaway, such as Panama City, which hosted over a half-million spring breakers in 1997 alone.

Along with different Florida cities gaining popularity for this mid-semester vacation, many people began traveling abroad, exploring areas such as Cancun, Mexico, the Bahamas and Jamaica. In more recent years, ski trips and mission trips have also become popular things to do on break.

Just like today, YHC students from years past felt the stress of school and looked forward to this much needed break as well. The assistant editor of the Enotah Echoes in 1984 wrote about the necessity of spring break in her column. She says that her fellow students were feeling run down, emotions were high and everyone was in need of a break from academic life—something that today’s YHC students can definitely relate to.

She continued by saying that many students would spend their break at the beach with friends, while others would go home to hang out with their family members.

A similar article written in April of 1992 tells what that year’s YHC students did for their spring break. As can be expected, several mentioned the beach and quality time with family, while others say that they worked. One student even travelled to Norway over her spring break.

Clint Hobbs, vice president for Enrollment Management and YHC class of ‘88, says that spring break was a blast when he was a student. It took place in April instead of March and oftentimes fraternities and sororities coordinated their trips so that they went to the same location. Just like today, popular places for students were Panama City and Myrtle Beach.

Whether you decide to head to the beach, go on a mission trip, or just relax at home, it is safe to say that everyone at YHC is ready for this much-needed break.

YHC: from discriminatory to diverse

January 17, 2011 Comments off

By Ali Neese, Staff Writer

This 1966 copy of the Enotah Echoes discusses campus and national events. Photo by Kathleen Layton

On Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, our nation has the chance to reflect on its history in regards to the Civil Rights Movement, as well as the changes that have occurred since then. The same holds true for Young Harris College’s students and faculty members. The Civil Rights Movement was a turbulent time in America and many people had strong opinions on the subject, and YHC students were not an exception.

As a southern state, Georgia had a difficult time dealing with Civil Rights, along with the issue of integration. Several copies of the Enotah Echoes newspaper that were printed during those years reflected this ongoing conflict.

While it is safe to say that Young Harris College has come a long way in terms of diversity and acceptance since the time of Martin Luther King, there was a time in the college’s history when people were not so accepting.

An article of the Enotah Echoes printed on January 16, 1961, entitled “Crisis in the South” by YHC student John Ard talks about his concern on the topic of integration. He mentions the popularity of passive resistance by African Americans in their effort to protest “unjust civil laws” and that Martin Luther King was in favor of this type of resistance. His beliefs were typical of many Southerners in that he was concerned about the changes that were taking place and he even goes so far as to say that integration is one of the “greatest threats that the South has been confronted with since the Civil War.”

In the next issue of the Enotah Echoes the same student wrote an article called “Integration at Georgia” in which he details the chaos that ensued when two African Americans joined the University of Georgia’s student body. He stated that while he did not condone the persecution of the African American race, he was a strong believer in “equal but separate facilities.”

He stated that “their schools, the churches and other organizations should be equal to the whites, but not the same as the whites.”

This narrow view might lead one to believe that there was absolutely no diversity on YHC’s campus during those days, but this simply is not true. In fact, in the ’50s and ’60s Young Harris College had foreign exchange students from different parts of Asia, the Middle East and Cuba. The YHC family welcomed them and celebrated their presence at the college, but unfortunately the drama unfolding in the South blinded many to their opportunity to truly increase the campus’ diversity.

What is probably the most shocking about YHC and the Civil Rights Movement is that literally a week after Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated, that issue of the Enotah Echoes made absolutely no mention of his death or anything concerning the events leading up to it. Instead, they covered the upcoming classes for summer school, the recent play and who made the Dean’s List.

While YHC, along with the rest of the South, had trouble accepting integration initially, it is evident that this is no longer the case. According to Clint Hobbs, Vice President for Enrollment Management, in 2008 the ethnic percentage at the college was 4.5% and consisted mainly of Hispanic and African American students. Fast forward to this year and the ethnic percentage is at an “all time high” with 15.4% of the students being Hispanic and African American.

Hobbs stated that it was a major goal of the college to increase diversity on the campus and it is something that YHC will continue to better itself on. He says that the college embraces all students and does not discriminate against anyone, regardless of its past.

Faculty and staff serve Turkey dinner

November 29, 2010 Comments off

By Ali Neese, Staff Writer

YHC yoga instructor Ki Curtis serves drinks at the annual campus Thanksgiving dinner, where faculty and staff serve YHC students a family-style dinner. Photo by Jacob Stone

When someone mentions Thanksgiving, images of turkey, football and spending time with family come to mind. For many Young Harris College students the annual Thanksgiving Dinner held in the Grace Rollins Dining Hall comes to mind. This well-known tradition took place this past Wednesday and consisted of two shifts- one at 4:45 p.m. and another at 5:45 p.m. Approximately 442 students were served by 23 faculty members. While the event is held annually at YHC, many do not realize the deep roots that this tradition has in YHC’s history.

The dinner involves getting dressed up, going to the dining hall where we are seated with friends and being served family-style by professors and other faculty.

Austin Freeman, a junior theatre major from Hartwell, says that his favorite part of the Thanksgiving Dinner is hanging out with good friends.

While Dr. Sean McGreevey, director of residence life, said that he loves to serve the YHC students at Thanksgiving.

What many do not know is that years ago every meal at YHC used to be served this way.

According to Mr. Bill Fox, YHC alumni and former faculty member, “we had family style meals every meal. Student workers waited tables and would bring out the food to each table, and it would go around like a family.”

While the Thanksgiving tradition was not officially held in those days, it did occur. According to an issue of the Enotah Echoes that was printed on Dec. 10, 1946, some students were unable to go home over the Thanksgiving holiday. To make sure everyone remaining on campus had a pleasant experience and did not get too homesick, faculty and students worked together to prepare the meals. The dinner was as much loved then as it is now, since the article says that everyone had a good time and that there was “not a homesick person to be seen.”

While Thanksgiving dinner did exist in 1946, it is difficult to determine when the tradition began. Some claim it began when Dr. Charles Clegg was president in the 1950s and early 1960s. While others say it started in the 1970s.

Regardless of when it became an official YHC custom, the meal is enjoyed by students and staff, and this year’s dinner was no exception. Allen Clark, general manager of the Grace Rollins Dining Hall, said the dinner went very smoothly.

“There was plenty of food and plenty of people to come eat it. It looked like everybody was enjoying themselves. I enjoyed it,” Clark said.


Advertising Sales Sheet

October 12, 2010 Comments off

The Enotah Echoes newspaper accepts advertisements from on campus organizations and from businesses. We sell online advertisements and print advertisements. The prices of our ads are based on size and color quality.

To view the price of purchasing advertising space for your business or organization visit:

YHC men’s soccer on a roll

October 11, 2010 Comments off

By Ethan Burch, Sports Editor
with information from wire reports

YOUNG HARRIS—On Saturday, the Young Harris College men’s soccer team posted their second victory of the season against Erskine College. This win is the Mountain Lions’ second win of the week and give the team its first win streak of the season.

Junior midfielder Trevor Monroe led the game in scoring with two goals, while freshman Niall McCabe scored one goal to put the game away late for the Mountain Lions. This performance by the team resulted in a 3-1 victory for YHC to give them a record of 2-4-4 on the season.

The Mountain Lions opened the scoring in the 15th minute as Monroe fired a shot underneath Erskine goalkeeper Robert de la Vina. Monroe’s score gave Young Harris an early 1-0 lead.

The score remained 1-0 until the 58th minute when Monroe again found the back of the net off of an assist by sophomore defender Thomas Crosby to give the Mountain Lions a 2-0 advantage.

In the 62nd minute, Erskine’s Jonathan Rutter picked up his second yellow card of the match and was sent out, giving YHC the man advantage.

But it was the Flying Fleet of Erskine College that took control of the momentum in the game by getting a goal in the 63rd minute by Brady Johnson with an assist by Matt Sluga.

Erskine had a chance to tie the game in the 68th minute when Lucian Johnson was whistled for a foul in the penalty arena. The penalty shot by Jack Kimber was unsuccessful though, as the Mountain Lions held on to a 2-1 lead.

McCabe sealed the victory for YHC in the 82nd minute off of a half-volley shot into the back of the net which gave the Mountain Lions a 3-1 advantage.

Wezley Barnard recorded seven saves for YHC, while de la Vina had three for Erskine (6-5).

YHC held a slim 15-13 margin in shots and for the first time all season, the Mountain Lions failed to have a corner kick as Erskine dominated that category, 11-0.

The game featured 28 total fouls and nine total yellow cards.

Young Harris returns to action 5:00 p.m., Friday, Oct. 15 at the YHC Soccer Field against Thomas University.

YHC women’s soccer shuts out St. Andrews

October 11, 2010 Comments off

By Ethan Burch, Sports Editor
with information from wire reports

LAURINBURG, NC—On Thursday, the Young Harris College women’s soccer team notched a 3-0 victory over St. Andrews Presbyterian College to give the Lady Mountain Lions their fifth win of the season.

With the Mountain Lions (5-4-1) leading 1-0, sophomore forward Haley Holderfield recorded her first goal in the 87th minute and added her second in the 88th.

After the two teams played to a scoreless first half of action, YHC took a 1-0 lead in the 59th minute as junior forward Rachel Wilkes scored a goal off of an assist by junior Emily Villas.

The Mountain Lions offense continued to press on and extended the lead with three and a half minutes remaining as Holderfield scored off an assist by sophomore Linda Lehmann to give Young Harris a 2-0 lead.

Holderfield picked up her second goal of the game on a breakaway with an assist by freshman Whitney Thomas to give the Mountain Lions the 3-0 advantage with 1:56 left.

Allie Matulia recorded four saves, while Becca Knott finished with nine saves for St. Andrews (1-9).The Mountain Lions out-shot the Lady Knights, 19-10, and had a 9-4 advantage on corner kicks.

YHC takes a week off from action and resumes play 3:00 p.m., Friday, Oct. 15 at the YHC Soccer Field against Thomas University.

YHC men’s tennis falls in Atlanta

September 18, 2010 Comments off

by Ethan Burch, Sports Editor
with information from wire reports

Atlanta — The Young Harris College men’s tennis team opened its fall season Friday at the SCAD-Atlanta Invitational.The Mountain Lion netters had some mixed results, but overall head coach Jacob Turner was pleased with some of the positive results.

“It was a long day, with lots of ups and downs,” Turner said. “The highlight of the day was the play of freshman Victoria Herndon (on the women’s team who was undefeated on the day in both singles and doubles) and freshman Taylor Hamala. Both Victoria and Taylor won their Main Draw singles matches by fighting hard and overcoming some nerves at times. I am hopefully that tomorrow (Saturday) we will be able to pick up our play in both singles and doubles and come out with some more positive results.”

In the Men’s A Flight Singles Main Draw, Mitchell Midkiff fell to Salif Kante, 6-0, 6-0 and Koren Gottenbos lost to Jack Anton, 6-1, 6-0. Martin Harach dropped a hard-fought match to Ismail Lemtoni, 7-5, 7-5.  In the consolation bracket, Gottenbos lost to Harach, 6-3 and then retired. Akeen Bryon topped Midkiff 6-1, 6-4.

In the Men’s B Flight Singles Main Draw, Jacob Greene was blanked by Christian Beling, 6-0, 6-0 and Jacon Scarborough fell to Ali Vazin Homedani, 6-0, 6-0. Hamala won his match over Nathan Singleton, 6-3, 7-6 (7-2). In consolation play, Singleton topped Scarborough, 6-3, 6-1.

In men’s doubles play, Scarborough and Green lost to Konte and Bryan, 8-0 and Harach and Gottenbos defeated Beling and Singleton, 8-5. Midkiff and Hamala dropped a hard-fought 8-5 decision to Lemtouri and Homedani.