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Who do you rep?

April 14, 2011

By Stephanie Sexton, Staff Writer

Allison Burnham models her jersey for Sigma Delta Chi or Dorcas. Photo by Ashton Jones

The Greek system is a large part of Young Harris College. Some young women and men that walk on to campus will, at some point, become a part of a Greek society, sorority, fraternity or perhaps, all three.

Greeks are special in their own way; however, something that sets each one apart are their jerseys.

Each fraternity, sorority, and organization has their own special set of colors and letters that is put on a jersey for each person to wear once they are finished with their education period. The jersey is the final piece of the puzzle to make someone a true Greek.

There are 12 different Greek systems on campus ranging from sororities and fraternities to organizations and honor societies. Each has their own jersey and all wear them differently.

Gamma Psi is one sorority that has an interesting way of wearing their jerseys. Their colors are navy, burgundy and white; their jerseys display these colors, but some are embellished with little butterflies. “Some lines do the butterfly thing, others don’t. It just runs in the lines,” said Monica Phelps, sophomore psychology major.

It is tradition for these ladies, but they are also known for wearing their jerseys over skirts, which Phelps mentioned was just a fashion statement.

Delta Gamma is one organization that members have interesting ways of wearing their jerseys. Their colors are black and white, and according to Delta Gamma President, Cheyenne Teeple, members are allowed to do whatever they want with their jerseys. Considering all members are somehow related to the dramatics, it makes sense why their jerseys always seem to be torn and tied in interesting ways.

Zeta Pi has the colors of pride, ambition and devotion, which are orange and blue. Their fashion statement is one that is supposed to send a message out to people. “We like to wear our old, tattered jerseys the most because the wear and tear shows that our jerseys are more than just a piece of formal clothing,” said senior biology major Levi Gentle.

Some other organizations, such as Dorcas and Sigma Beta, or SPAT, feel just the opposite. Both are honor societies and are not allowed to cut their jerseys at all. Furthermore, SPAT brothers must tuck in their jerseys while wearing them.

Another sorority that stands out from the rest is Phi Alpha Phi, or PAPs. With their white jerseys, one might notice that sometimes they are tie-dyed, instead of just white and orange. “I don’t think there’s any particular reason for it. We just like tie-dye,” said junior media communication major Ali Neese.

Whatever the trend or reason for each Greek, their colors shine proudly each time they wear their jerseys around campus.
This post copyedited on April 18, 2011.

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  1. Bek
    April 21, 2011 at 10:09 am

    Proud to see a Dorcas jersey in the photo, and I’m glad to know that Dorcs and Spats still aren’t cutting their jerseys. However, The Dorcas Society and The Spat Club were never considered Greek organizations. Both organizations were founded in the 1940’s without Greek letters. The Greek letters many years later. Interesting that the college now considers them Greek organizations.

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