
Posts Tagged ‘Sharp UMC’

Car accident in front of Sharp UMC, minor injuries (UPDATE)

September 22, 2010 Comments off

Towns County police and an ambulance gather at the scene of what was characterized as "a minor car accident" in front of Sharp United Methodist Church, 1114 Main Street, Young Harris. Photo by Kyle Huneycutt

By Kyle Huneycutt, A&E Editor

Late Wednesday afternoon, Towns County Sheriff deputies were called to respond to what was characterized by Young Harris College campus police as “a minor automobile accident” in front of Sharp United Methodist Church, immediately to the west of Goolsby Hall.

While an ambulance was present at the scene of the accident, it left without transporting any persons. An elderly man was seen with a dime-sized laceration on his forehead, but otherwise he appeared fine. No other major injuries are known of at this time. No YHC students, faculty or staff are believed to have been involved in the accident.

UPDATE1 (8:14 p.m., 09/22/10): Corrected location of Sharp UMC, added information about YHC to last paragraph.